May 22, 2018
MyVytalCare first early adopter goes live in Warrington CCG and increases patient safety
MyVytalCare is the own brand version of the HEALTHone personal care record for DXS International. MyVytalCare has gone live with its first early adopter sites in the UK NHS Warrington Clinical Commissioning Group.
Patients with raised blood pressure are offered a home blood pressure monitor and simply download the MyVytalCare app from the iOS and Android app stores and begin recording their blood pressures.
MyVytalCare automatically links to the blood pressure monitor and records the results.
MyVytalCare averages those blood pressures over the first week and, in line with the NHS evidence-based care pathways, alerts the patient whether their average blood pressure is raised or not, and, if raised, alerts the patient to make an appointment to see the Hypertension Nurse at their General Practice. At the same time MyVytalCare automatically sends a self-explanatory email to the patient’s General Practice with the average blood pressures and whether the average is or is not raised.
As a new and outstanding patient safety measure, if any blood pressure is recorded greater than 180/110 MyVytalCare immediately alerts the patient to the risk and instructs them on the clinically recommended immediate steps to take. At the same time, MyVytalCare automatically sends an email to the patient’s Duty Doctor, explaining the situation, and giving the Duty Doctor the patient’s telephone number.