News :

August 2, 2015.

Health One Global Health Record Technology used at Special Olympics World Summer Games, Los Angeles, USA, July/August 2015.

With 6,500 athletes and 2,000 coaches representing 165 countries, along with 30,000 volunteers and about 500,000 spectators, the 2015 Special Olympics World Games have once again been the largest sports and humanitarian event of the year.

Athletes have been competing in 25 different sports at venues throughout Los Angeles, including USC and UCLA. 

As for the previous Games, during the Los Angeles Games volunteer Healthy Athletes medical professionals have offered free health examinations to the athletes in several disciplines on the USC Campus.

As a result of the partnership which started in 2003, the HEALTHone health record technology has been made available as a charitable contribution to Special Olympics. This technology has been used to record health examination data in four disciplines: Fit Feet (podiatry), FUNfitness (physical therapy), Healthy Hearing (audiology) and Opening Eyes (ophthalmology).

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